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Each of us share the responsability as an individual playing a role in health related industry to report informations about safety, quality and performance of products , even it is not part of the usual job functions.
For your institution , field force , representatives , pharmacovigilance team , medical assessors , medical affairs and for reporting to the authority .
Poseidon CRO has developped ready to use mobile solutions in Android environement running easily and responsivly on smart phones and tablets , as well as web versions on laptops and PCs , intended for PV managers.
IOs and Microsoft mobile versions are to come. Reporting an adverse event is made in an user friendly manner in just few clicks , permetting a real time enrichement of your safety data base.
Depending on the privilege granted , you can , send queries to the notifying person , access , review , edit , summarize , and prepare safety informations presentations including high graphic contents and fluid tables.
We already use our tools in reporting AEs & SAEs in daily practice for the following activities :

  • Monitoring of clinical trials.

  • Daily practice of medical products promotion.

  • Collaborating Network of Physicians for pharmacovigilance awarness.

  • Patient support programs which are programs designed to support patients ( and/or caregivers such as parents) in disease self-management and/or use of /or access to medications.
  • Managed call centers: those that make outgoing phone calls or answer incoming questions regarding clients products, programs, or service.
  • Disease awareness and/or screening programs.

  • Market research field work.

  • Endorsed "product donation" and philanthropic programs (for marketed products), for whichour clients and us are responsible for the organization and management.

Beyond this , our solutions can be tailored depending on your demand.
Please address all your queries by sending us a message by clicking here